CONTACT BOB AT (719) 820-5499

Contact Bob Barrows

If you are a special educator and have the desire to deepen your repertoire within Special Education, we are ready to support you!

We provide a pre-assessment prior to finalizing your professional learning experience to ensure you get maximized benefit.

We develop cohorts based on interests, desirable dates and locations. We also provide facilitation and professional learning events to specific school districts in consultation with the local administrative team.

Please reach out by phone, email, or schedule a time on my calendar (below).

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Shayna Laing

A pivotal partner for our organization.

"Bob has been a pivotal community partner for our organization! He has provided a wealth of information, connection, and strategy regarding the development of interagency collaborations. And in all that he does, he is passionate about equipping entire communities of educators and service providers to best support their students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities."

Shayna Laing, Community Engagement Manager
Pathways to Inclusive Higher Education

Transform your practice and rejuvenate yourself

When we positively transform special education practices across the country, far fewer adults with disabilities will be left stranded on the couch with nothing to do! 

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Schedule a Consultation

Programs are available for school districts and local administrative teams, Special Education administrators, high school administrators, teacher leaders, parents, and transition coordinators. 

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Learn best practices

Analyze your situation based on nationally recognized standards and plan for improvement in growth areas. 

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Rejuvenate and become more effective

We offer programs on-site and at rejuvenating locations in Georgia, Colorado, and California. 

Logo of Bob Barrows, The Barometer for Special Education
International Accreditation for Continuing Education and Training
(719) 820-5499

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