CONTACT BOB AT (719) 820-5499

Clarity & Order for Special Education Success

For Autism Programming

Unlocking Potential: Innovative Autism Programming for Schools and Districts

Designing special education and autism programming in an ever changing world is hard but not impossible.

Do you have an ever increasing enrollment of students with autism classifications?
Are you struggling to balance inclusivity, staff professional development, and best practices in your building(s)?
Is your school or district in the beginning phases of inclusive autism programming?
As a school leader, are you overwhelmed with where to start this important work?

This two day intensive program for Autism Professionals* is exactly what you need to identify where you are with Autism programming, understand your specific programs strengths and needs, and create a structured and detailed plan on where to go next before you leave- all rooted in evidence based best practices. Teams attending will complete a pre-conference needs assessment to guide their personalized experience during the conference where you will collaborate with fellow education professionals from all over the United States in a conversation rich and therapeutic environment with direct support from Autism experts. Through this unique and individualized experience, you’ll be able to transform your programs for students with Autism and open the doors to a seamless path for student and staff success. Follow up coaching and support opportunities will be available to all attendees!

* Autism Professionals: District Leaders, Special Education Administrators, Teacher Leaders, and Autism Consultants

Autism programs led by Dr. Adrielle Benini


Dr. Adrielle Benini is a renowned figure in the realm of special education, recognized for her visionary approach and expertise in fostering inclusive school cultures. With a rich background ranging from paraprofessional roles, to teacher leader, to school district administration, Adrielle has honed her skills as both an instructional leader and a dynamic administrator. Her passion lies in crafting programs that promote meaningful inclusion and cultivate cultures of acceptance with the powerful message “All Means All.” 

As an expert in programming for students with autism and severe disabilities, Adrielle brings a wealth of experience and insight to her consulting endeavors. Her advanced degrees in Special Education, School Leadership, and a Doctorate in Autism Studies underscore her commitment to excellence in the field.

Adrielle is celebrated for her engaging presentation style, marked by humor and a knack for captivating audiences. Whether speaking to students, staff, or communities nationwide, she delivers a powerful message of inclusion, advocating for a paradigm shift in education to better serve special education populations. Through her consultancy work, Adrielle collaborates with programs to develop rigorous and enriching academic experiences tailored to the unique needs of every student, ensuring that education is not only meaningful but life-enriching.

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Dr. Adrielle Benini

Transform your practice and rejuvenate yourself

When we positively transform special education practices across the country, far fewer adults with disabilities will be left stranded on the couch with nothing to do! 

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Schedule a Consultation

Programs are available for school districts and local administrative teams, Special Education administrators, high school administrators, teacher leaders, parents, and transition coordinators. 

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Learn best practices

Analyze your situation based on nationally recognized standards and plan for improvement in growth areas. 

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Rejuvenate and become more effective

We offer programs on-site and at rejuvenating locations in Georgia, Colorado, and California. 

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(719) 820-5499
International Accreditation for Continuing Education and Training
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